New era, new name for Hunter research body
Hunter Valley Research Foundation is undergoing change; building on their strengths to become more connected and insightful.
To reflect this new strategic direction, they have rebranded and changed their name. CEO Dr Brent Jenkins announced that the new name – Hunter Research Foundation (HRF) – retains a strong connection to the previous name while drawing attention to the changed vision of the Foundation – Future-proofing our Region.
While the Research Foundation has built a reputation around the rigour of its research approach over its 57-year history, the new brand announces a new era for the iconic organisation.
“We want to be known for more than just data and information,” Dr Jenkins said. “Our new mission is to deliver ‘insights that move the Hunter forward’. We will look beyond the current situation and use our wisdom and foresight to address the issues facing the Hunter’s future.”
The HRF team is working more collaboratively with stakeholders to ensure their research is relevant and leads to practical solutions and recommendations. The new logo, developed by Enigma Communications, visually communicates the Foundation’s aim to be a leading light for the Region, providing a strong voice and funnelling research and data into insights to guide a better future.
The new name and logo will be reflected in all the Foundation’s communications materials, rolling out over the coming months.
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