New Apprenticeship Support will benefit builders
Master Builders Australia has welcomed the Government’s Australian Apprenticeships Support Network focus on delivering outcomes for employers and apprentices and reducing red tape and paperwork compliance.
“The Government’s initiative will be a positive for the building and construction industry to help boost the recruitment and retention of apprentices, Wilhelm Harnisch, CEO Master Builders Australia said.
“The Government’s announcement is well timed, coming at a crossroads for vocational training reform in the building and construction industry.”
“Just as youth unemployment has been rising, apprenticeship numbers in the building and construction industry have continued to decline resulting in the number of apprentices currently in training being less than half what is needed for the industry’s ongoing skilled workforce requirements.”
“Master Builders has been calling for a sustainable apprenticeship model that better meets the needs of young people and the industry and the Australian Apprenticeships Support Network is an important step in this right direction,” he said.
“Master Builders particularly welcomes the principles that have shaped the Network making it more relevant to jobs seekers, apprentices and employers,” Wilhelm Harnisch said.
“Master Builders welcomes the one-stop-shop which the Network will provide for employers looking to take on an apprentice.”
“By the Network taking on the administration of an apprenticeship the Government will slash red tape and deliver employers with a more efficient and user-friendly system.”
“The delivery of personalised mentoring and support to apprentices will also be greatly valued. This dedicated mentoring, advice and support for apprentices will be a strong feature of the Network and is welcomed by builders,” he said.
“Master Builders Construction Apprentice Mentoring Scheme (CAMS) has demonstrated the effectiveness of mentoring in boosting apprenticeship completion rates.” Wilhelm Harnisch said.
“By connecting apprentices and employers through targeted job-matching the Network will help ensure a higher proportion of building trade apprentices are motivated to complete their qualification and go on to a rewarding career in the industry.”
“Master Builders also welcomes the linking of employer incentives programs and the Trade Support Loans Scheme through the Australian Apprenticeships Support Network,” Wilhelm Harnisch said.
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