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Inter-disciplinary GPs added local health care team

There is a new wave of healthcare that is starting to gain significant attraction all over the world - integrated healthcare. Research published in November 2016 has demonstrated the significant benefits that integrated care yields on clinical outcomes.
A local health centre, ATUNE, has announced the addition of their first team of inter-disciplinary general practitioners to its already comprehensive team. ATUNE comprises of 13 health disciplines (35 professionals) ranging from allied health, complimentary medicine, mental health and medical specialist services.
The inclusion of an interdisciplinary GP team completes a significant milestone in the integrated services provided at ATUNE and establishes a full complement of services.
Dr Michael Ireson has taken the role of lead interdisciplinary GP at ATUNE joining this business after working in various hospitals and private practices in the Hunter New England Area.
“I’m delighted to be working as part of a team of practitioners who all desire to work together professionally for their clients to see positive changes in health outcomes in all domains of life.
There is a shared understanding at ATUNE that the best health care can only be achieved by addressing all of these areas and understanding their impact on each other,’’ he said.
Simon Ashley, the director of ATUNE Health Centres believes that the nature of medical care is changing. 
“There is a shifting mindset in the community when it comes to health care. Many are seeking a different model of service with longer appointment times, integration between disciplines, reduced waiting times and care that is client focused rather than disease driven, with an emphasis on preventative medicine.”
ATUNE is the first of its type in the Hunter, and may well become the benchmark model to be exported to the rest of the nation, showcasing the region’s capacity for an innovative and creative response to the changing face of healthcare.