Think HBR

#HunterInnovate March Edition

The Hunter is building a growing reputation as centre of innovation, but the local innovation scene is however quite fragmented. At the top end, there are world-class organisations such as The University of Newcastle. But innovation permeates an extremely wide range of business activities, from large companies and business organisations down to a wide range of incredibly creative start ups that are creating a new generation of opportunities for the region.
#HunterInnovate is designed to bring together some of the great innovation success stories from the region, encourage others to embrace innovation, highlight local research, offer advice to organisations wishing to harness their creativity, promote collaboration between organisations and help further grow the reputation of the Hunter as a recognised centre of innovation excellence.
As we are very interested in covering a wide range of topics and organisations, we are happy to receive stories or story leads that may be used in future issues. Please feel free to email with any comments about #HunterInnovate, stories, leads or other information.
We hope you enjoy this and future editions of #HunterInnovate and please feel free to share the online version of the entire HBR issue at or the #HunterInnovate section at
We thank the University of Newcastle for sponsoring
#HunterInnovate and helping to promote local innovation.
 UNI Logo
 The University of Newcastle
 If you would be interested in finding out about becoming a sponsor of #HunterInnovate, please contact us. There are limited spaces available and other potential sponsors were in negotiation when this edition went to print.