Hunter real estate agent ranked highest in regional Australia
The principal of PRDnationwide Newcastle has been ranked as the top real estate agent in regional Australia.
Mark Kentwell secured a position in the Real Estate Business (REB) Top 100 Agents 2016 benchmark report.
His ranking is the highest of an agent based outside of a capital city.
The report ranks real estate sales agents across Australia according to a range of 2015 calendar year metrics, including number of sales, sales volume and average sales price. More than 44,000 real estate agents working in more than 10,000 agencies across Australia are eligible to enter for the award. Around half of those agents work outside a capital city.
This award follows on from PRD nationwide Newcastle securing 10th position in the 2016 Real Estate Business Top 50 Sales Offices benchmark report earlier this year.
Mr Kentwell said both rankings are prestigious for a business that is just 11 years old, operates outside a capital city and is competing against agents that have been established for decades.
He said the REB ranking is particularly pleasing as it is one of the most regulated, competitive rankings in Australia. The ranking is based on genuine results.
“As a principal, my role is to help the team to be leaders; to achieve superior results for our clients and for PRDnationwide Newcastle to be the leading brand in our region,” Mr Kentwell said.
“So after a year of giving it everything I can locally, it's very nice to be number one in all of regional Australia,” he said.
“I'm grateful to the dedicated true believers in our business and the clients who continue to use us and refer business to us.
“Both awards are a team effort and are a result of innovation, a commitment to training, excellent customer service, proven systems and effective marketing.”
Now in its fifth year, the Top 100 Agents ranking is an initiative of Real Estate Business, produced by Sterling Publishing.
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