Hunter Defence Opportunities and the JSF - 35 Program

© Commonwealth of Australia 2018
The end of 2018 will see the delivery of the first two of the 72 35As Joint Strike Fighters (JSF) that will be based at Williamtown RAAF Base. Currently based at Luke Air Force Base in the United States, the delivery of the fighter aircraft will be a significant milestone for the JSF Program for Australia.
The Australian JSF Program has two key goals, to meet the air combat needs of Australia to 2030 and beyond and to develop and support an industry base supporting the JSF capabilities. To date the JSF Program has awarded Australian industry $1 billion in collective contracts. It is anticipated that by 2023, the Program will support up to 5,000 jobs nationally which will involve over 50 Australian companies.
This level of investment provides great opportunities for local Hunter companies to become part of the global supply chain that will support the JSF Program. Local Hunter firms which are successfully linked into the JSF supply chain may experience additional benefits through increased knowledge and capability.
This may include opportunities to expand into other defence markets or identify other commercial applications. Australia will also play a significant role in the sustainment of the global fleet, providing local firms the opportunity to establish a long-term involvement in JSF sustainment activities including maintenance,
repair, overhauls and upgrades Whilst there are opportunities to work directly with the programs supply partners, the flow on effect to the local Hunter economy has significant potential. A report produced by Price Waterhouse Coopers estimates spin off economic benefits by 2038 will be in the order of $1.2 billion (real GDP) nationally. The economic benefits to the Hunter Region will be gained through increased employment and household spending. Support for the JSF program locally will be required by other sectors such as the educational, hospitality, medical and other service sectors.
Hunter Defence is focused on supporting local defence industry to become part of the global supply chain opportunities which exist because of the JSF Program. Hunter Defence will be participating in Land Forces 2018 in South Australian this coming September, providing an opportunity to showcase the local Defence Industry capability of the region. The annual Hunter Defence Conference will also be held again this year on the 30-31 August 2018, providing an excellent opportunity for local business to connect to the Department of Defence and Prime Defence contractors.
“HunterNet is all about the Power of many. The Hunter Defence conference held annually gives businesses from start-ups to established companies the opportunity to find out what’s happening in the Defence sector. The Hunter Defence Conference Provides opportunities to engage with Industry in Global Supply Chains. The person you talk too at the Conference is potentially your next customer. The conference provides the platform to enlighten the industry on what’s in it for them in regard to your product or service. The person you meet at The Hunter Defence Conference is the newest member of your band it’s the person who now knows more about your business than what they knew yesterday. We encourage all prospective Businesses to use the conference, to get your name out there. Come inside the industry and stop looking from the viewing platform be a part of the Global Supply Chain that is Defence”
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