Hunter builder retains ‘Biggest Mover’ title
The HIA-Colorbond steel Housing 100 Report 2016/17 reveals that Hunter-based MJH Group, was nationally the biggest mover during 2016/17. The report ranks Australia’s largest 100 residential builders based on the number of homes commenced each year.
“MJH Group, which trades predominantly in NSW as McDonald Jones Homes and Mojo Homes, retains its established mantle as the #1 detached house builder in NSW with a total of 2,183 starts in NSW during 2016/17, and a total of 2,716 nationally,” said HIA Executive Director – Hunter, Craig Jennion.
“Nationally the MJH Group also took out the title for the second year in a row of ‘biggest mover’ increasing their housing starts by 517 or 24% over 2015/16. This, in addition to their growth of 1,034 starts during the previous year, escalates them to 6th spot on the HIA list of Australia’s largest home builders and to 3rd of the largest detached house builders.”
“The MJH Group weren’t the only Hunter based builder to make it into the Hosuing 100 Report. With 175 starts, Rutherford based Mavid Group entered for the first time ranked the 84th largest home builder nationally, followed closely by Belmont-based Montgomery Homes ranked 90th. Mavid Group was also ranked the 17th largest Semi-Detached Dwelling Builder nationally."
“More broadly the Housing 100 Report details part of the positive journey that the New South Wales new home building sector has been on in recent years. New dwelling starts rose by an estimated 5% to 73,716 in 2016/17,” concluded Craig Jennion.
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