Think HBR

Helping the next generation

Melinda Smith2
Postgraduate business qualifications are a must for many aspiring business leaders and there is no better place to study these versatile qualifications than locally at the University of Newcastle.
You can choose to study face to face with flexible class times in the brand new NeW Space facility right in the heart of Newcastle CBD, at your own pace online or a combination of both.
For former NBN news journalist, presenter and local business identity, Melinda Smith, postgraduate studies provided valuable opportunities after 25 years in the media.
“I knew gaining a qualification would serve me well as I planned my career change,” said Melinda.
“Undertaking my Master of Business at UON delivered the perfect pathway to explore a new field of interest and expertise, and ultimately led me to establish my own strategic communication business.”
With a commitment to equity and excellence, the University has a strong focus on providing opportunities for people from all backgrounds including the new Women in Master of Business Administration (WiMBA) scholarship.
There is also a strong focus on linking teaching to local enterprise and using opportunities for leading professionals to teach and mentor students. Melinda is a senior consultant to Purser Corporate Communication, and also continues to be associated with the University as a guest lecturer and contributor to the MBA Advisory Board.
“I received outstanding support and worked hard to achieve the most from my experience at UON which broadened my knowledge and increased my network. It means a lot to be able to give back to others,” said Melinda.