Think HBR

Healthy, wealthy and wise

Your wealth can be taken away in an instant. As can your health.
Most of us desire wealth. It can give us freedom of choice, happiness, certain life experiences and material things. It can feed our ego and give us a sense of power. Building this wealth is something many of us want…I certainly do. And we are prepared to work hard and forge through the daily grind in order to get there.
I was at a wealth conference in Sun Valley recently in the company of several billionaires. One of the greatest take away learnings for me was that your wealth can be taken away in an instant. And so can your health. Without your health, wealth is irrelevant. We all know this but we don’t really appreciate it. We take it for granted, especially when we are in overdrive achieving and building, and building some more.
Where are you with your health today compared to where you want to be? Out of 10 how would you rate your level of fitness? Your general health? Then ask yourself the same question about your wealth. Where are you compared to where you want to be? After all, wherever you put your focus your energy goes! Those that focus on making money typically are way below in their health from where they want to be.
How do I know? I have been there and when my focus has been on building wealth my health has suffered. Get the balance right and you will have more wealth that you need and more days to enjoy it!
For further information contact SiDCOR on 1300 743 267, email or visit
Paul Siderovski2 Paul Siderovski

The founder and Managing Director of SiDCOR Chartered Accountants, has 21 years experience since starting as a chartered accountant with PricewaterhouseCoopers in 1995. Paul started Newcastle-based SiDCOR in 2002. Paul has a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Newcastle and is a Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and the Taxation Institute of Australia as well as the National Tax and Accountants Association.