Glencore kicks off recruitment for 2024 apprenticeship program

Brianna Thirlwall, Auto Electrical Apprentice
Glencore will add to the hundreds of mining graduates, apprentices, and trainees across its Australian operations as recruitment for their 2024 apprenticeship programs kicked off on 17 May.
As one of the nation’s largest mining companies, Glencore offers best-in-class programs for school leavers, university graduates and people of all ages looking for a well-paid and rewarding career in one of the country’s most vital sectors.
“What we do matters, and we are proud of the contribution our business makes to Australia,” said Cassandra McCarthy, Head of Corporate Affairs for Glencore in Australia.
“Last year Glencore provided work for over 18,000 people and contributed $20 billion to the national economy.
“Glencore has a world class coal business and our eleven coal operations across the Hunter Valley and Mid-West New South Wales are accepting applications until 18 June 2023.
“We have welcomed almost 800 people into the coal and minerals sector including, 192 graduates, 403 apprentices and 188 trainees currently working across Glencore’s Australian operations.
“Our programs allow people to build exciting careers guided by some of the best in the business, all while earning a very good wage.
“Glencore is offering opportunities in electrical, auto electrical, diesel fitting, fitter welder, radio technician, boilermaker, mechanic, fitter turner, and refrigeration trades.
“Our in-house program rotates apprentices across multiple operations and is tied to a direct career path within the Glencore business.”
Second-year Electrical Apprentice at our Ulan West Underground Coal Mine, Maggi Zeck said “My tradespeople are great. I have had a really fantastic experience working with them.
I think I get to work with some of the best trades people in the country.
“Working underground with the crews is fantastic. I’d heard about the camaraderie underground. It’s something new you really can’t fathom when you’re new but once you join in with the crews, it’s amazing. I haven’t experienced anything like that before.”
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