The NSW election result was more or less as expected – a return of the Coalition but with a substantial swing back to the ALP compared to the 2011 annihilation.
Locally, seven of the nine Hunter seats are now in the ALP fold due to the general swing back, as well as factors such as the ICAC hangover and the retirement of Robyn Parker.
With the election out of the way, it is hoped that we can move forward on a number of issues.
The partial privatisation of the poles and wires will provide a much needed boost to the infrastructure across the state, including several significant projects in the Hunter.
For the Newcastle CBD it is now time to put politics aside and march ahead with revitalising this great city to help it reach its potential as a modern, thriving centre.
In the end, no plan is going to satisfy everyone completely, but the funds are available from the Government for a major renewal of the City that will provide massive benefits in terms of work opportunities, amenities and prosperity for the whole region.
It is time to now pull together and make Newcastle a city we can all be proud of.
The March 30 release by the Federal Government of a 200 page discussion paper on tax reform is a positive step in making Australia more internationally competitive.
Put simply, the tax system in Australia is too complicated and inefficient, both in terms of its collection and compliance. There are a number of taxes that should be removed and the overreliance on personal and company tax needs to be considered.
We need sensible, informed debate on this vital subject quickly followed by action.
Reform is rarely easy but this is an area that is long overdue for action, so it is hoped that there is enough political will to make the changes that will benefit the nation for many years to come.
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