Think HBR

Enviropacific Services continual improvement reaps the benefits

enviro pacific
Enviropacific has celebrated yet another successful year in business and in safety achievement.
The success is testament to the consistent cultural approach taken to safety across the national network of offices maintained and governed through the safety under Scott Wyatts’ leadership at the Newcastle Head Office.
Often working in Hazardous environments, the approach ensures that all personnel are closely consulted on a daily basis with every project across the country starting with a dedicated consultation briefing. Weekly toolbox talks and subcontractor meetings ensure that the consultation process is shared with all personnel across our sites. From those briefings the information, suggestions and requests are reviewed and filtered back into the updates and amendments that are made to our management system. Culturally, this results in continual improvement processes which benefit the business and individuals.
The latest improvements that have been made include, work place Fitness for work and well-being procedures including random and blanket testing of Drugs and Alcohol and the introduction of Share point, a cloud based server in which our companies Start Safe Stay Safe management system can been more readily accessed by all of our employees.
Enviropacific National QHSE Manager Scott Wyatt says: With the added ease of accessing our fully integrated Quality Health Safety and Environmental management system our employees are able to arm themselves with the guidance and support required to develop and manage all aspects associated with conducting productive and safe operations across our diverse scopes of work irrespective of where the project is located in Australia.
The continual improvements have been acknowledged by a range of clients. In addition, our management system continues to exceed the requirements of the Federal Safety Commission of Australia, Global Mark Australia and many individual company portals as accredited contractors within their systems. Some of the most recent awards and recognitions towards commitment to safety include:
• BP Australia, High recognition to compliance through audit of our management systems in NSW, QLD, W.A and S.A.
• Meinhardt, Recognition to commitment to project management as awarded too many employees over the last 12 months.
• ISNet, Continued maintenance and compliance to the A grade status of a portal adopted by Shell/Viva and Caltex for major works in the Petroleum industry.
Enviropacific continue to defy general lacklustre industry safety statistics. Safe Work Australia has reported that in the last 11 months to November last year, 213 people were fatally injured at work across Australia. In that same period Enviropacific man hours have increased by near 70% whilst our Lost Time Injury (LTI) and Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) frequency rates continue to drop. Considering the increase in new employee numbers and the degree of multiple High Risk tasks associated within the industries that Enviropacific service, our commitment to Risk management combined with continued consultation of all employees, subcontractors and the likes across all of our projects continues to place us at the front of the field.