Think HBR

Early technology challenges with cloud

The Cloud has certainly changed the way we can now work. We don’t have to be at the office, we can be on the road, at home or even on the beach. We can work at any time not just 9 to 5. It can allow us to be really mobile and free us up. It offers us choices that we never had before. It can save us money, make us money and help us to be more productive. Managing Director of Pinpoint Computers Paul Martinovic says “the Cloud is changing business outcomes and workflows. Businesses now have more choice, more options to grow and unlimited opportunities. Our clients love the Cloud and what it allows them to do.”
Only six years ago when people were mainly just talking about the Cloud, many businesses had no plans to make the move. Pinpoint knew that for companies to adopt to the Cloud they had to make it smart and simple to use.
Seven years ago Pinpoint’s top minds were designing the complex servers, storage, networks, security and disaster recovery systems for their new Cloud Solutions. Though the backend systems were very technical and extremely complex, the user front end had to be easy and simple to use.
Pinpoint’s technical sales teams worked on what new Cloud services businesses would require and use over the next decade, while the engineering team designed a resilient, robust and reliable platform for the new services to run on. And it had to be the best, adopting world best practices for resilience, security, performance and reliability.
Technology had changed and improved dramatically in the late 90's to early 2000, and that would enable IT companies to start thinking about Cloud solutions. There was a steep learning curve for everyone at Pinpoint. Thousands of hours learning new technologies and testing systems were invested in a new Cloud that would be smart and simple for businesses to use. The benefits would be incredible: access to business systems from anywhere, no more replacing and maintaining expensive servers and a simple monthly payment that is an operating expense.
Back then there were still challenges with areas like securing email in a multi-client environment which required high level of technical expertise to resolve. Now in 2016 the technology has improved in leaps and bounds and this is no longer an issue.
Back then Pinpoint had a Cloud facility in Thornton. Now they have a multi-million dollar world class facility in Sydney's CBD. 
They want only the best for their clients.
Business clients from small businesses to multi-nationals have secure access to all of their data and applications 24/7. Pinpoint still need a very talented team to keep building and operating the Pinpoint Smart Cloud. This has not changed.
We still face issues with Internet in this country, however, and the NBN is the answer for many business challenges. A road block for many businesses, and in the adoption of the Cloud, is poor Internet. With the NBN rollout happening all across the country, hopefully poor internet will be a thing of the past.
Change can be a wonderful thing.
For further information contact Pinpoint on (02) 4966 0391, email or visit