Think HBR

Cloud saves Hunter businesses during storms

Pinpoint Computers has a world class cloud service in a data centre based in Sydney’s CBD. From this facility Pinpoint can offer many Cloud services such as hosted Microsoft Office, accounting systems, email and any other application that businesses need to operate. Pinpoint’s cloud services and solutions saved many Hunter businesses during the recent storms.
The Hunter and many surrounding areas suffered the worst storms seen since people can remember.
Many businesses suffered damage from flooding and lost equipment. With no available power or internet connectivity, many businesses were unable to operate.
Local servers were inaccessible, which meant people could not access their systems or data. Affected companies could not do business. Money was being lost and some companies were thinking the worst.
This was the case for many companies that operated servers in their offices.
Businesses that are in Pinpoint’s cloud were able to operate without interruption. They could work from anywhere they had an Internet connection. Many users worked from home, a friend’s place if they had no power from home, an Internet cafe and many came into Pinpoint’s office. Pinpoint set up temporary desks for many of its customers so they could use the Internet to access their data in Pinpoint’s Cloud.
“Moving to Pinpoint’s Cloud is the best move we have made” were comments from many clients said managing director Paul Martinovic. It really did save their businesses during these very trying times.