Awards to highlight the safety champions of the Hunter

WHS is the backbone of any business, in any industry, across any sector. It ensures employees, management and stakeholders are all able perform their roles effectively, secure in the knowledge that their workplace is safe.
Local businesswoman Sarah-Jane Dunford is on a mission to high-light and reward those local businesses and individuals who are true champions of safety.
Earlier this year the inaugural Hunter Safety Awards launched, with the major sponsor Blackwoods it has been designed to encourage local organisations to take stock of the innovative and groundbreaking approaches to WHS they have implemented, as well as their day-to-day and ongoing commitment to safety.
Sarah-Jane says that whilst the media often highlights when something goes wrong, it’s important to also look at when things go right.
“I have the opportunity to see how local organisations view WHS as essential to their business operations and the ways they work hard to not only implement the legislative requirements, but how they go that step further to develop a WHS culture,” Sarah-Jane said.
The Hunter Safety Awards, comprises of 10 key categories:
• WHS Champion of the Year
• Young WHS Leader of the Year
• Most Innovative WHS Idea
• WHS Student of the Year
• Best WHS Training Course
• Cutting-edge WHS Marketing
• Best WHS Management System (Large organisation)
• Best WHS Management System (SME)
• Best WHS Improvement (Large organisation)
• Best WHS Improvement (SME)
“The Hunter has already shown itself to be leaders in WHS but there is always room for improvement,” Sarah-Jane continued.
“Whilst these awards will recognise those that are doing great things it might also encourage other organisations to strive to do better in this space.”
Sarah-Jane is also the owner of local WHS firm, Riskology Consulting, and is a passionate advocate that safety doesn’t have to be boring.
“I’ve always known that WHS shouldn’t be about what you ‘have’ to do, but rather what you ‘want’ to do. The best organisations are those that realise the difference. Their approaches are always the most creative and in turn, the most successful.”
Applications are now open for the Hunter Safety awards.
Visit to learn more.
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